About me

I studied biology in the university of Oviedo, where I majored in physiology. As part of my degree studies, I worked on the Oftalmologic clinic Fernández-Vega , where I researched the effect of several neuropeptides on mice cornea receptors.

After graduating, I was invited to became part of Dr. Carlos López-Otín research group in the University, where, after several months learning on molecular biology, I started a Master on biomedicine and molecular oncology, which I finished by defending my work comparing the degradome of the sperm whale and other cetaceans.

This worked served as the foundation for my Ph.D., which I started shortly after in the same laboratory. Besides continuing working with the sperm whale genome, I reworked the research group webpage, redefining the database of proteases build and maintaned by our lab, the degradome database. For this and other purpoises I learned to code with the help of my thesis supervisor, Dr. Víctor Quesada. In addition to participate in different software development projects with him, I embarked (along with several of my coworkers) in the ambitious project of assembling, annotatin, and analysing the genome of Lonesome George, last member of Chelonoidis abingdonii, the giant tortoise from Pinta Island, in the Galápagos. As our lab worked its way towards unveiling new ageing mechanisms, I got the opportunity of participating in several other projects, including topics as varied as invertebrates genomes, or obesity.

Towards the end of my Ph.D. studies, I had the chance to spend three months with the Eukaryotic Annotation team in the EBI-EMBL, in Cambridge, where I got to further develop my experience with genome annotation.

Finally, as I was on the middle of a project concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, I presented and defended my doctoral thesis on the 15 of Octobre, 2020.

Currently, I find myself closing the projects I still have ongoing, while trying to figure out the next phase of my carrer.